Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Sunday, December 16, 2007
Ada urg ngamuk aku nda menupdate
~I'm Starting to get bored with my Job.. Tapi awal ani semangat ku kn kraja sal aku ada Bag baru!
~Ok.. Yes Ive new bag! Well actually Bagssss...
~Boy bought me two pairs of Crocs!
~Plan to go Miri next week with Boy
~I know how to cook Lasagna already
~Attended a friend's wedding last week. Congrats Ema and Hubby! Makes lots of babies yea!!
~I gained weight!! uurgghhhh blame it to Nasi 12 (bejual di kadai plipin bwh office)
Nah cana ku kn mengupdate ni.. baru kn migang cptr ada tia urg kn makai... biar tia c dena ngamuk eh... ehehehe....
Thursday, November 8, 2007

The coupons can be redeemed for food and games on the Charity Event Day!
Furthermore there are lucky draws with fabulous prizes to be won!
Where can I get the coupons from?
The coupons (as mentioned on the posters) will be on sale at all HSBC branches, and at the participating vendors on the day itself and MYSELF!!! bali saja arah ku! jgn bali arah urg lain! hahahahah
How much are the coupons?
The coupons will be on sale at face value at BND10.00 per booklet. Each booklet includes a free draw ticket for fabulous prizes.
Will there be food on sale?
Yes, there are numerous food vendors which will be selling their products on the day itself.
What games will there be?
There will be a range of bouncers for all children of all ages, as well as carnival style games open to public e.g. MINI HOCKEY, BALL IN CUP, CAVEMEN BOWLING, TIC TAC TOSS, SPONGE RACE, MUMMY BALLOONS AND LOTS MORE!!
A number of corporate games have also been organized, which will also be open to members of the public. The games are:
What charities are we donating to?
We are organizing this event to donate to various charities supporting the underprivileged children of Brunei. Some specific charities are SMARTER BRUNEI, Pusat Ehsan and Pulaie Centre.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Syawal 1428H
I havent been blogging since i cant remember. I hope its not too late for me to wish you all Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri .. Mohon Maaf Zahir & Batin. I know it is already the 13th Syawal.. but hey.. raya sebulan kali ah..
Well it has been a very slow raya for us this year. Perhaps because first we lost quite a number of family members (Babu, Mimit, Aunty Aloh, Nini Tua Leha a.k.a Mama, wawa Hj Hamidoon and Auntie Pg Anak Hjh Damit) last year and this year. As for babu and Nini Tua Leha, its our 2nd Aidilfitri without them but masih terasa sunyi sama sedihnya.. Hari Raya cudnt be any more merrier without them. I miss them so terribly. Secondly, on the first raya, my grandfather was sick, he couldnt even move his body due to ghout and he has to stay in bed the whole time and on the 2nd day of raya we lost another family member, Babah's uncle. Semoga Rohnya dicucuri rahmat. Amin.
Nah nda ku tau apa kn ku buat lagi. Blank tia sudah... Nanti th ku nyambung eh.
Oh.. Insyaallah we'll be having open house next week on Wednesday, 31st October 2007. So you are all invited! Please come... =) Time its from the 12 noon till the food finish.. huhuhu. Kalau kamu dtg ahir and makanan abis aku masakkn indomie saja!! hahahaha.. kalau aku sengaja ku dtg ahir tu.. dpt mkn indomie!!napa kan indomie atu nyaman? Siapa nda tau rumah ku cari sendiri.. ehehehe
I will be boyfriendless for 3 days starting from tomorrow. Uwaaaa... tapi nda apa.. think positive.. (syg if you're reading this...)aku kn kena balikan Crocs Sassari ni sama Crocs Alice!!! hahaha confident. Brunei Yakin! sama jgn lupa Crocs butter jua. kesian mary jane sama cleo ku bekulat sudah. And please get me some prawn coctails! sia2 byk pesanan ani. nda apa sekali sekala.. bukan slalu.
Bah kan tdur ku dulu. suk awal bgn...
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
10 days to go...
Its time like this that make me really miss my late babu and late mimit. Last year was the first time we had to celebrate raya without babu. It wasnt fun at all... but i thank Allah for giving me such a loving families and friends... they have always been there for me.. and it helped alot. And I dunno how our raya would be this year knowing another member in the family has missing. We really gonna miss you being around us Mimit!! and yesterday was Mimit's and nini latip's bday. Kalau dulu ia tah yg slalu riuh kalau kn bdaynya... minta hadiah apa.. :) how i really miss you mit!! Semoga rohnya di cucuri rahmat .. Amin..Al-Fatihah...
So what else have i been doing? Ive been making small popias for raya, ive also made cornflakes biscuits yg campur honey ah.. hahaha paling sanang.. Thanx to Zatie for the receipe. huhuhu. ahirnya nda jua ku ikut sukatan receipe c zatie bagi.. huhu. and ive been watching 'Atas Lantai Bawah Bumbung' for millionth times already. hahahaha... Ingat kamu masih drama atu? yg si Kudil, si kasum, metussin hj laki sama liau badar belakun ah. This drama was aired durg raya back in 1994. Ingat jua ku tu masih.. sal masa atu aku Primary 5!! Kalau kamu kan meliat ada VCDnya bejual di gerai stadium. byk lagi ceta2 brunei bejual.. especially ceta2 si Kudil sama liau badar. Sindir-Sindir sayang dari 1 - 8 ada! hahahaha. promo aku ah..
Bah limpas sudah subuh panya. ok I think i better stop now... tata!!
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Bulan Ramadhan....
Ketika ditanya oleh Sayidina Ali kwh apakah pahala atau kelebihan mendirikan Sembahyang Tarawih pada setiap malam di sepanjang Bulan Ramadhan, Rasulullah SAW menjawab: "Orang-orang Mukmin yang menunaikan sembahyang Tarawih pada malam bulan Ramadhan, akan mendapat kelebihan seperti berikut:
Malam 1 Dosanya dihapuskan seperti ia baru dilahirkan oleh ibunya.
Malam 2 Diampunkan dosanya, juga dosa-dosa kedua ibu bapanya, jika keduanya itu Muslim.
Malam 3 Dipanggil oleh malaikat dari bawah Arasy dengan seruan, "Beramallah, kerana Allah telah mengampunkan dosamu yang telah lalu."
Malam 4 Diberi pahala yang sama dengan pahala orang- orang yang membaca Kitab Taurat, Injil, Zabur dan Al Quran.
Malam 5 Diberi pahala umpama orang yang bersembahyang di Masjidil Haram di Makkah, Masjid Nabawi di Madinah dan Masjidil Aqsa di Palestin.
Malam 6 Diberi pahala umpama orang yang bertawaf di Baitullah; batu-batu dan pasir-pasir turut memohon ampun untuknya.
Malam 7 Seperti orang yang hidup sezaman dengan Nabi Allah Musa, yang membantunya mengalahkan Firaun dan Hamman.
Malam 8 Diberi Allah segala apa yang pernah dikurniakan-Nya kepada Nabi Ibrahim a.s.
Malam 9 Pahala menyembah Allah baginya seperti Rasulullah SAW dan nabi-nabi menyembah Allah.
Malam 10 Dikurniakan Allah kebaikan di dunia dan Akhirat
Malam 11 Keluar dari dunia sepertimana oia dilahirkan - bersih dari segala dosa.
Malam 12 Di Hari Qiamat wajahnya bercahaya dan bersinar umpama bulan purnama.
Malam 13 Di Hari Qiamat keadaannya aman dari segala kejahatan dan keburukan.
Malam 14 Malaikat akan menjadi saksi (atas sembahyang Tarawihnya itu) di Hari Qiamat - ia dibebaskan Allah dari segala kemudaratan.
Malam 15 Semua malaikat yang memikul Arasy dan Kursi berselawat dan meminta ampun untuknya.
Malam 16 Dituliskan baginya lepas dari Neraka dan dimasukkan ke dalam Syurga.
Malam 17 Diberikan pahala sebanyak pahala para Nabi.
Malam 18 Malaikat berseru: "Wahai hamba Allah! Bahawasanya telah redha Allah kepadamu dan kedua ibu bapamu."
Malam 19 Diangkat darjatnya kedalam Syurga Firdaus.
Malam 20 Diberikan pahala para syuhada dan solehin.
Malam 21 Dibina untuknya istana dari nur di dalam Syurga.
Malam 22 Di Hari Qiamat, ia akan diamankan dari segala dukacita dan kerisauan.
Malam 23 Dibangunkan untuknya sebuah bandar di dalam Syurga.
Malam 24 Dibuka peluang baginya berdoa sebanyak 24 kali yang akan dimakbul oleh Allah.
Malam 25 Diselamatkan dari siksa kubur.
Malam 26 Dianugerah pahala ibadah baginya selama 40 tahun.
Malam 27 Dapat melintas titian Sirat di Akhirat kelak, kelajuannya seperti kilat.
Malam 28 Diaugerah baginya 1,000 darjat di Akhirat.
Malam 29 Dikurniakan pahala 1,000 ibadah haji yang mabrur.
Malam 30 Diseru oleh Allah dengan seruan, "Wahai hamba-Ku! Makanlah buah-buahan Syurga dan mandilah dengan air Salsabil (sebatang sungai yang mengalir dalam Syurga) serta minumlah dari Telaga Kautsar. Akulah Tuhanmu dan engkau adalah hamba-Ku."
Di Tingkat Mana Puasa Kita?
Puasa ada tiga tingkatan:
Puasa Umum iaitu puasa Mukmin yang 'asi atau yang masih derhaka kepada Allah SWT. Puasanya sangat mudah - tidak makan, tidak minum, dan tidak melakukan perkara yang membatalkan puasa. Tapi anggota lahirnya seperti mata, telinga, mulut, kaki, tangan tidak berpuasa sama. Manakala hatinya bersarang dengan sifat mazmumah - hasad dengki, pemarah, sombong, riyak. Puasa ini tidak dapat memilahara diri dari kejahatan nafsu dan syaitan. Rasulullah SAW bersabda; "Berapa banyak orang yang berpuasa tetapi tidak dapat apa-apa daripada puasanya itu melainkan lapar dan dahaga sahaja."
Puasa Khusus iaitu puasa orang soleh, berpuasa seperti yang diperintahkan oleh Allah SWT, namun dia tidak berdaya menahan hatinya daripada hal-hal dunia yang halal dan harus. Anggota lahir berjaya dipuasakan termasuk berjaya memelihara hatinya daripada sifat mazmumah antaranya pemarah, sombong, riyak, ujub, takabur, gila puji, cuma hatinya masih 'ingat' kepada makanan sedap untuk berbuka, kepada isteri dan sebagainya.
Puasa Khususul Khusus iaitu puasa orang yang hatinya hampir dengan Allah. Berpuasa segala anggota lahir dan batin, bahkan hatinya turut berpuasa daripada mengingati hal-hal dunia. Hatinya sepanjang masa mengingati Allah. Ini adalah bentuk puasa para nabi, rasul dan aulia.
Bagaimana mengenali kesan baik daripada Puasa?
Kalau akhlak dan peribadi serta sifat mahmudahnya meningkat, tandanya latihan puasanya berkesan.
Kalau akhlak dan peribadinya tidak berubah atau bertambah buruk, makin bertambah sifat mazmumahnya, tandanya latihan puasanya tidak berkesan.
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Wal Kurma! Nak buka puasu-nil kehabisanullazi! ....
Do'a malaikat Jibril menjelang Ramadhan " "Ya Allah tolong abaikan puasa ummat Muhammad, apabila sebelum memasuki bulan Ramadhan dia tidak melakukan hal-hal yang berikut:
* Tidak memohon maaf terlebih dahulu kepada kedua orang tuanya (jika masih ada);
* Tidak berma'afan terlebih dahulu antara suami isteri;
* Tidak bermaafan terlebih dahulu dengan orang-orang sekitarnya.
Maka Rasulullah pun mengatakan Amiin sebanyak 3 kali. Dapatkah kita bayangkan, yang berdo'a adalah Malaikat dan yang meng-amiinkan adalah Rasullullah dan para sahabat, dan dilakukan pada hari Jumaat.
Oleh itu saya terlebih dahulu 'memohon maaf' jika saya ada berbuat kesalahan, baik yang tidak di sengaja maupun yang di sengaja, semoga kita dapat menjalani ibadah puasa dengan khusyuk, diberkati dan dirahmati Allah S.W.T, insyaallah.
Selamat Menunaikan Ibadah Berpuasa
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Wedding Frenzy

Another congratulations goes to Ida for her engagement last night. Awu nda ko bunyi2 Da ah.. nda apa!! capieeee... baru ko tau kena *tuuut* leh c waida tadi. hahaha. For you and ur fiance Adi, Congratulations, i wish u a lifetime of happiness and may blissful moments fill up all of ure days..mwahhzzz. Welcome to the club!! huhuhu..
More picture of the weddings here
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Saturday, September 1, 2007
Marc Jacobs ku Mati!!!
1. Tell us your name://
Izzah Zakirah Kamil
2. Three things about yourself://
Unpredictable, Shopaholic, Sensitive (sadang lah)
3. What’s in your playlist://
Fauziah Latiff and Ella compilation songs
4. Your favourite music://
Lagu lama2 pasal aku slalu ketinggalan lagu baru2...
5. Favourite guilty pleasure://
eat, shop :D
6. Favourite foods://
Pais Daging, Indomie, Mee Mamak C.A Mohd, Belutak, mun kn di sabutkn semua bh...
7. Define love://
a very beautiful feeling though sometimes love hurts...
8. Define sex://
Female (kononnya nda paham... nya iklan petronas Kanak-kanak pun memahaminya...)
9. Any celebrity crushes?://
Josh Duhamel
10. The last person you hugged://
the twins
11. The last person you talked to://
12. The last time you cried://
Just now liat AC disini... Norkumalasari menangis ah.. ikut tia jua ku menangis... CAWIE!!
13. The last time you had sex://
Ask again when i got married... okeh? Tapi nda kn ku bagitau bila... apalah..
14. The last time you made out://
refer to ques. 13
15. The last person you dated://
Dia tunangan ku dan dialah selamanya...
16. The last time you went out://
Tadi mkn nasi beriyani arah restaurant *tuut*
17. What’s on your mind now?://
dimana ku kn blurih usin pakai shopping suk dimiri ani ah?
18. What’s bothering you?://
havent got any job.
19. This year’s resolutions://
I didnt make any...
20. Your MSN nick?//
Happy Birthday to my darling-est friend, Miss Suzy
21. What’s your MSN nick about?://
nda kn nda paham... Suzy hari jadi... tapi kemarin plang dah .. alum ku ubah.
22. The people you miss the most://
Late babu and mimit.. =(
23. Current mood://
Bored to the bone!
24. What are you thinking?://
25. Best childhood memory://
Alot to mention
26. 3 of your biggest fears://
GOD, losing someone i love...
27. Who do you love?://
I love everyone around me...
28. 3 of the things you hate://
not be able to celebrate puasa and raya with babu and mimit again,
havent got any job,
29. Do you blog?://
30. Tag 5 people://
Malas... siapa yg rajin buat..
Marc Jacobs ku mati... R.I.P
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Designer Pet
down the memory lane....
My parents old room now, after we moved out nini moved in to this room until my late aunty (mimit, babu's sister) decided to moved in to the house. Now that she has left, no one occupies the room. :(
This is my old room! My room was the biggest room in the house. Now nini takes over the room. How I really miss my old room!!... sigh..
Now this place was used to be our favourite place to hang out. There used to be a TV here.. every night all of us will sit around here... masa atu musim mustika silam sama tirai keluarga masih ada! hahahaha... iatah gnyakn di liat. When flood strikes (yes, kg kami slalu kebanjiran!! every year..!!) this place will also transformed to be the kitchen. lol!

Now this is the balcony (jadinya kamu nda tau! hahaha) awu bh. This was another favourite spot to hang out every afternoon after school or work. Makan kacang and samboi. hehehe.
The neighbours!! When i took this picture i cant help but cry. I miss my late Nini Tua Leha (nini's sister in-law and laboy's grandma) alot. She lived just infront of us. Dulu everytime we went out we could see her sweeping the dried leaves around her house with her penyapu lidi. Kami dulu slalu main dirumahnya... Kalau musim mangga kami suka memupul mangga dari beranda rumahnya... hehe. pastu kena marah. hahaha. Those were the days. Nini Tua Leha passed away last year in sept, 5 months after my mom, followed by Allahyarham uncle Hj Hamidoon around 2 months after and a week after he left, mimit passed away.. i can say that last year was the toughest year for all of us. Babu's first cousin, aunty Aloh also left us last year in August. Semoga roh mereka di cucuri rahmat and semoga mereka di tempatkan bersama orang2 yang beriman. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin.
I think i better stop now. I need to get in to the shower... tata!!
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Double Happiness and Joy!!
Muka ada sinyum....
On the other note, congratulations to Ka Noi and Abg Erol For the new born Baby Girl.... She is very pretty and so cute. Cboy iski coz he has a birthday partner now in the family!! hehehe. And last two days on the 14th, his other cousin (Ka Yati & Abg Aji) gave birth to a baby boy! Siuk jua eh... byk babies...
Now, Isn't she gorgeous?!
P/S: More pictures of the baby here
Friday, July 27, 2007
king kong kepala hotak kau...
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
bangun pagi gosok gigi ...
Tapi aku nda skulah lagi.. huhuhu... iatah nda sanang ati. The "not-so-naughty" twins are here. Pagi2 sudah kena antar kesini. Siapa mau dgni menjaga... bowh napa tia amah ku teriak2 atu!! (kedptn ku escape sekjp menjaga durg) mental tia kali c mardiyah menjaga anak dua urg atu! ehehe... bh gtg mencek what are they up to!!
MAKE UP KU KENA MAIN!! hahahaha... baik saja make up murah! mun bobbi brown sama Mac tadi ku suruh mamanya mengganti!! hahahaha... bh.. kn masangkn transformers dulu. mudahanth mau teranah. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin...
krg lagi mengupdate...
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
What is you inner gender?
You Inner Gender is Female |
![]() You're sensitive, caring, and willing to connect with anyone who's open to you. You make friends easily, and you enjoy all sorts of conversations. You understand most people you meet - better than they understand themselves. You're totally a woman... or at the very least, your soul is female. |
aini angkat kain hujan... jemuran dah turun....
I dont have any...
Had shower
I wish i am a white but i know by now there are just too much black stains on me already...
4. MTV, V Channel, OR MYX?
apa lagi binatangnya MYX ani? Hardly watch any of them lagi unlike before.. Only watch Channel V when the ANTM is on.
Sastra Zainuri !! ehehe...
Di tgh2 padang pasir... tapi kalau berangin abis jua ice cream tecover with pasir tu ah.
Primary school - Art coz you can never failed in ART. hahaha... walaupun cemana bida sekalipun.
Lower Secondary - Maths - I just love maths back them coz i was really good at it. Now? No way... liat numbur atu pun dah ku paning.
Upper Secondary- Economics
Sixth form - Sociology
ITB - Ugama ! sal slalu nada class sama kalau ada pun bulih escape!! hahaha
bawa nini kepasar!! kena bagi commission... hahaha banar! sapa bawa nini kepasar kena bagi $20!! nda caya? agatah kamu bawa nini kepasar. Tapi lama dah nini nda minta bawa kepasar... sigh...
White with silver and blue stripes
Wat day is tomorrow? thursday... emm entah.. ampai2 di katil lah lagi liat DVD all day long!
entah pyh soalannya ani eh... SKIP!!
transformers. kamu caya kh kalau ku ckp aku alum liat?!!! awu aku alum liat... aku th urg paling iski dlm dunia kn meliat tapi aku yg alum liat. nda kamu kesian?
First!! sal iatah sja yg ku pernah liat tu... atu pun nda jua ku minat sgt pulang. panya ada 2 3 4 !! haha...
manih on the 20th, Die on the 31st omg!! aku lupa kemarin bday si nisa!! Nisa!! sorry.. happy belated birthday !!
Nope... its probably her boobs that killed her.
Lama dah ku nda marah... nda ku ingat
6 maximum. Did i really say that? I tot b4 i just want 4!! oh well... the more the merrier.. sekali lagi ku kena tnya naik kali lagi ke12!! hahaha...
oh yes!!
bunyi kipas ku bepusing
I was never a nerd.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Jangan di katakan teluurgh kepala gajah sekalipun kalau kau nak makan makanlah..
Saturday, July 14, 2007
hoi hai sapa di sana cakap?
Friday, July 13, 2007
ini sarkis dah jinak... dah brapa lama diorang training..
Maybe im just not used to being alone. I used to have friends around me not all the time but most of the time. My days were full of happiness and laughters. There were just so many things to do sampai nda cukup masa kn buat semua atu. Now i can feel the emptiness and the loneliness. My times are now mostly spent alone, watching DVD all day long! I miss going out shopping, watching movies, coffee-ing, ambuyat-ing, cooking sambil lepak-ing di rumah, sleeping over or kalau nda pun jln2 saja nyukat brunei. Now, suddenly there are just so much time to kill and it feels so long. Im not blaming them, I knew this will happen to me or to everyone. I understand that we are now going on to our separate ways. Each and everyone of us have our own commitment. And im very happy for some of my friends who now have their jobs and some of them have decided to continue their studies and I wish them Good Luck...
But I am very thankful to my fiance! Iatah penghibur ku dikala sepi. huhuhu. He has tried his best to make time all for me. Kadangnya time ku stress ia yg jadi mangsa ku. Sampai maybe kwnnya pun jauh ati sudah kn ia kali. Sal jarang lagi ia kena offer bawa jln leh kwn2nya. Maybe sal ia slalu reject their offer for me. Sorry dear. and Sorry to his friends. I didnt mean to take your friend away from you guys. I just need him as much as you guys do. Perhaps im selfish for doing this to him. But i just cant help it. Im sorry.
Bah to kwn2 cboy kalau kamu kn mau cboy slalu ikut kamu jln doakan ku lakas2 dpt kraja!! tapi kalau ku dpt kraja kawin tia kami !! hahaha.. biar kamu nda dpt jln lagi... huhuhu.. nadawah. Tapi kalau kn di pikir2kn puas jua sudah kamu sama ia. Dulu kamu saja monopoly. sampai he hardly had time for me. Iatah masa ku membalas nie. *evil laugh* tapi aying mata ku masih lagi nda mau branti! Damn it.
Ok, I better stop now b4 banjir manggis ani. To all my friends, STPRI and MD friends "the cool F9" we wud call ourselves dulu huhu bari gali!! cool tia krg!! Tapi bnr eh cool kali ah tani dulu ah... , ITB friends, SUAMP RIPAD friends, Amar Pahlawan Friends... I miss you all!! Thank you for being such a great friends. I will never forget all the moments and times weve spent together. Thank you for being shoulders to cry on. You guys have been great... I must say that i am the luckiest girl alive to have all of you in my life. I love you so very much, very strong, to da max!!
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Allah Selamat Kan Kamu..
.jpg)
Kaka Alai and siapa kh namanya ni yg project pop ah! huhu
Monday, July 9, 2007
matahir... matahir ke mataayer?

.jpg)
HENGSEM AH!! hahaha
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
Laila Majnun
Now im watching Las Vegas season 2. Tell you this series is so addictive.. or is it Josh Duhamel that is so addictive. Jatuh cinta ku kn ia atu eh. now i cant wait for this thursday to come! TRANSFORMERS!! I didnt really excited about this movie before not until i found out he acted in this movie. huhuhu....
Josh Duhamel a.k.a Danny McCoy in Las Vegas


Ok forget about that. Have u guys heard about Pon and Zi? Im so loving this two cartoon characters. I even tried the quiz of which character I am Pon or Zi? It turned out that im a Pon! ehehe cute..
Are you Pon or Zi? Your Result: You are Pon! Congrats ur Pon! Ur madly in love with Zi and would do just about anything for em. If ur heart had a face it would b smiling. U don't like snails, care a lot about others and u tend cry a lot. U cry mostly for someone you love. Although when ur not cry ur extremely happy! | |
You are Zi! | |
Are you Pon or Zi? Create a Quiz |
Here is one of the picture i love the most

more about Pon and Zi click here.
Phew its 3.16 am! Im still wide awake. I better force my self to sleep. Ok.
p/s: I miss my heart...
Sunday, June 24, 2007
rambut mu ikal berjambul di depan berbaju bunga seluar yankee berkaki ayam
Atu pulang saja ceritaku yg bnrnya. Ok i leave you with this video... I really miss MD!! I miss all my friends...
Friday, June 22, 2007
Amalan Sebelum Tidur
Amalan Sebelum Tidur...
Satu masa ketika Rasullullah SAW berada di Medinah, beliau pernah bersabda kepada Imam Ali bin Abi Talip mengenai LIMA WASIAT . Sabda baginda, "Ya Ali, janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau kerjakan dahulu LIMA masa'alah ini iaitu:
1. Janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau baca Al-Quran kesemuanya.
2. Janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau bersedekah dahulu 4 ribu dirham .
3. Janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau ziarah dahulu kepada Ka'abah .
4. Janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau jaga dahulu tempat mu di Surga.
5. Janganlah engkau tidur kecuali engkau minta redanya musuh-musuh mu terlebih dahulu .
Ketika Saidina Ali mendengar ini, dia merasa bingung dan terpegun lalu bertanya kepada Rasulullah SAW. Dan bagaimana mengamalkan hal itu ya Rasulullah?. Maka Rasulullah pun bersabda:
1. MEMBACA AL-QURAN KESEMUANYA: Hai Ali tidakkah engkau mengetahui apabila engkau membaca "QUL HUWALLAH HU AHAD....." sebanyak 3 kali bererti engkau telah membaca Al-Quran kesemuanya.
2. BERSEDEKAH 4 RIBU DIRHAM: Hai Ali apabila engkau membaca surah AL-FATIHAH sebanyak 4 kali bererti sesungguhnya engkau telah bersedekah 4 ribu dirham.
3. ZIARAH KE KA'ABAH: Hai Ali apabila engkau sebelm tidur membaca: "LA ILLA HA ILLAH HU WAHDAHU LA SARIKALLAH LAHUL MULKU WALAHUL HAMDU YUHII WAYUMITU WAHUWA KULLI SHAI INQADIR" sebanyak 10 kali bererti pahalanya sama dengan ziarah Ka'abah.
4. PELIHARA TEMPAT MU DI SURGA: Ya Ali apabila engkau sebelum tidur membaca: "LAA HAWALA WALAQUATTA ILLA BILLAH HILALIL AZIIM" sebanyak 10 kali bererti sesungguh engkau telah menjaga tempatmu di Surga.
5. MINTA REDHA KEPADA MUSUH-MUSUH: Hai Ali apabila engkau membaca: "ASTAGAFIRRULLAH ALAZIIM ALLAZI LAA ILLA HA ILLALAH HUWAL HAIYUL QAYYUM WA'ATUBU ILLAIEH" sebanyak 10 kali bererti engkau telah redhakan musuh-musuhmu.
bh jgn lupa before tdur baca dulu semua ani.. and baca doa tdur jua..!! =)
Sunday, June 17, 2007
saya bilang tak payah....
Sebnrnya aku ani kena Tagged uleh Dyg Sarina. Iatah kn menjwb th ku nie...
1) a high-paying job (with great benefits and minimal actual effort) at crap hours.. take it or leave it?
-Of course I'll take it. Tapi crap hours ani cana? Dlm utakku crap hours ani mcm malam kn kalau pun ia bukan malam saja lets just assume ia malam pasal aku suka kaja mlm dari siang?Why not? iatah bisainya ni... Satu nda panas keta ku parking. Dua Kalau kraja siang cana kn shopping? salnya malam kadai tutup! apa gunanya byk usin kalau nda dpt shopping? Tiga Cboy a.k.a My heart kaja pun crap hours.. so i dun have to worry if kami pyh kn jumpa kn nda. Empat obviously it says there GREAT BENEFITS AND MINIMAL ACTUAL EFFORT!! enuff said.
2) do you have a "one that got away" in your past romantic life?
-Naah... Syukur ku sudah ku sama cboy. Apakan sbnrnya soalannya ani? haha rupanya nda paham.
3) what is one job you would never take, no matter how much they paid you?
-Cicakman. Pekerjaan kh tu cicak man atu? Tapi ia kena suruh blakon jadi Cicakman, kraja jua tu..Tapi iatah bah apa saja kraja yg ada kena mengena dgn cicak!! NO WAY!!
4) what behaviour is completely unacceptable in someone you're dating?
- When he cannot accept, respect and love my family.
5) Think of a person who has made you very angry. What would you do if you bump into him/her on the street?
-I must agree with her. i dont hold grudges and i dont usually hate anyone. Kalau pun ku sasak arah urg atu sekajap saja pastu lupa tia ku. I make it a habit to forgive semua urg b4 i go to sleep.
6) have you ever been sexually harrassed, witnessed someone get sexually harrassed, or had a friend be sexually harrassed in the workplace?
-Alhamdulillah Never.. Ada pulang laki2 yg ckp capi2 atu tapi nda sampai ketahap ku terasa ter sexually harrassed.
7) the opposite of no.3 ... aside from being paid to loaf around and relax on a beach somewhere (or your lazy activity of choice), what's your dream job? You can only pick ONE.
-Masa ku damit2 ive always wanted to be a cabin crew or pilot or apa saja yg pasal Aeroplane..pasal aku suka naik kapal terbang semestinya aku suka apa saja sal kapal terbang. Sampai masa ani pulang masih ku tais liur kn jadi cabin crew atau pilot but keadaan inda mengizinkn. baik saja cboy kraja ngusai kapal trabang.... kira sampai th sudah hajat ku tu.
8) if you could have a plastic surgery for free (and without any risk of complications) would you, and if so, which one would you pick?
-Is liposuction count?
9) If you HAD to get one or the other, would you rather get a tattoo or a piercing, and where would it go? (You cannot count one that you already have).
-Piercing. Ive always wanted to have 3 tiny piercing on my ears.
10) Three songs you would dedicate to your beloved one
- Without you by Same same Feat. Jaclyn Victor
- You're Still the one by Shania Twain
- I finally found somone by Barbra Streisand & Bryan Adams
My four victims:
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
suka hati kau lah labuuu...
Sadau a.k.a Limbu - Shadow . Kan suka ati bh urg tua2 ani. salah jua tu tampat nya memakai word shadow atu... well again this is just my assumption of where the word came about.
And Z.M contributed one word that is Kolget which came from a toothpaste brand COLGATE. Apa pun jenis kolgetnya... masih jua kolget namanya. Thanx Z.M!!!
My job interview with the JPKE was sucks big time!! enuff said. Sakit saja utakku mikirkn. Good Luck to those yg kn interview tomorrow and thursday.
Happy Birthday to my darling Rasinah Hj Zaini... May Allah bless you always. Wish you many more bdays to come. *hugz*
Ok nda ku tau lagi apa kn di ckpkn sakit kepala ku. I need some rest. tata...
Saturday, June 9, 2007
hentam saja lah utk kau hentam sajalah utk aku.. bedallah utk kau bedallah utk aku..
Aku ani sebnrnya kn mempost sal perkataan Brunei yg byk asalnya dari English word. Aku suka ni menkaji brg2 cani ani... ehehe... Ever wonder where the word "BADAS" as in bebadas ju**r came from? It came from the word BAD ASS!! lol handal kan urg tua2 dulu2 atu suka2 ati durg bh memodified. Ok here are the lists of words i can think of at the moment.. sbrnya byk tapi nda ku tepikir awal ani.
1. Gohed - Go Ahead
2. Gostan - Go a stern (correct me if im wrong coz this is wat our teacher back in secondary school told us)
3. Kurul (rambut) - Curl
4. Gamin - Government
5. Beunja (mcm lumpat2 atas tilam) - Bouncer
ada plang some words but im not sure if byk urg tua2 memakai or is it just my grandma coz shes so unique and funny. Shes like "Ka! kalau kamu bejalan balikn ku tapung plawar.. abis tapung kn menyucur2" sudah th tapung, plawar (flour)lagi. ada lagi... "balikn ku jua sabun lak sup (sabun Lux Soap)" LOL!!! nda cukup sabun... lux lagi.. lapas atu soap lagi ujung nya. sama jua mcm si sudin arah pendekar bujang lapok tu "Jalan sekapur sirih Road" hahahaha.. And one more ada this time when we were sort of cleaning the store room behind our house we saw a set of "dinner set" bh tapi yg lama sudah.. and my auntie was "siapa punya set piring2 ani ah? bisai ni antik.. " kali there she(my grandma) went saying with her ever so confident tone "bapa mu membali dulu masa di pampi.. dulu2 kalau pampi byk bejual2 brg2 miani.. iatah ia membali. Bangang ku mula2 coz i didnt really get wat Pampi was I tot it was a name of a shop dulu2 huhuhu. sekali nya my aunty "bukan lagi FUNFAIR bh.. pampi sudah jadinya.. " FUNFAIR th sudah tu.. ehehe.
Bah if kamu ada kn di tambah arah list atu feel free to add. Alright..
ketinggalan.. Dikesempatan ini saya ingin mengucapkn Tahniah kepada sahabat sejati ku Dk Ruwaida Pg Hj Jaberudin kerana telah berjaya menamatkn pengajiannya dengan mendpt keputusan yg cemerlang!! Congratulations darling!! Im so proud of you! *hugz*
Friday, June 8, 2007
Breaking News
Thursday, June 7, 2007
Alhamdulillah.... syukur nikmat kepada tuhan yang memberi rahmat..
Another boring day today... been watching prison break since this morning. Tapi paksa ku stop stop salnya takut ku abis semua ku liat. Krg apa lagi kn di liat? Sama nda ku tahan meliat ceta atu sekaligus.. ujung2 sakit jantung ku bnr2 sal kabak2. hahaha.. sama bebau sulnya bh durg dlm ceta atu except for Scofield.. ia saja yg nda bebau dlm ceta atu walaupun ia nda mandi. yang paling bebau sekali siapa nah? Si T-bag!! Yang kedua bebau si Captain Brad Ballick.. ewwww.. bebau berabis durg atu eh. Kalau scene yg ada durg paksa ku tutup idung. LOL.
Apa lagi ceta siuk yg kn di liat ah? Ugly betty last episode alum ada kh? sapa ada? aku mau!! btw Heroes atu siuk kh? kenapa kn aku nda mau teranah meliat ceta atu?
Bah gotta get ready kn arah urg tahlil.. babai...
Monday, June 4, 2007
Wahai mambang tolong standby rezeki kitee sudah sampai..









Friday, June 1, 2007
~Barang yang lepas hai jgn di kenang....~

Gang skulah arab!! ehehe aku suka gambar ani sal sini aku kurus dari eyah! wohooooo sorry yah. layan saja.. masa ani ko kurus. kjp lagi kurus ku balik nie. lalalala

Any familiar faces? byk ni celebrity. apakan. ehehe.. cuba kamu cari..

Belalong trip.. damit usul ku ah.. liat tu baju ku basar ah! hahaha
Orytz nanti lagi ku mempost gambar2 classic. malas ku menscan bh. ehehe..
Thursday, May 31, 2007
The Wedding Blog - Directory: Special Feature: Wedding Gifts
The Wedding Blog - Directory: Special Feature: Wedding Gifts
Saturday, May 26, 2007
taik punya pasal pun mau gaduh ka.. pergi cuci sudah hilang la..
Im bored!! Went to the Stadium Restaurant for Dim Sum just now. Bungsu subuh2 sudah menepon bawa makan. cana th ku kn diet ni? Im on diet bh ni... Nya cboy kalau ku kurus ia kn balikn aku camera sama ia kn gunting rambutnya. Iatah mesti ku diet nie... I need motivation.. ada pulang sudah satu motivation ku. Mari kita tengok siapa yg kenaaaa.....
dpt sudah begambar dari angle dpn. kalau b4 mesti dari atas! hahaha Tapi mcm nda nampak kurus jua kaka atu ah? *indenial* ehehe.. awu bh kurus. kalau dlm gambar nda plang brapa nampak kalau liat bnr2 baru th.*eksenku* hahaha Iatah bah. Mesti th ku start jogging nie... suk lah start. brapa kali esuk sudah ia kn start ani. ehehe. Aku nada kasut bh cana kn jogging *hint2*.
Another interview this afternoon at 1pm. Ngalih ku dah kn interview ani.. dapatnya th nada. eh positive positive. Manatau sekali ani dpt. Amin Ya Rabbal 'Alamin. Okay gotta get ready for the interview. toodles..